Third Eye Shaman - Ajna Chakra Shaman Drum Meditation - Transcend Duality

Activate Your intuitive power, transcend duality. with this intention I created this shamanic meditation music for You, using large shaman drum, didgeridoo, RAV tongue drum and healing 432hz tone bars.
Thank You for support and energy You are sending my way, I'm receiving and feeling it almost all the time.

Lay back with headphones, relax and close your eyes. Thank You all for Your awareness and support ...Namaste ♥

#calmwhale #thirdeye #chakrameditation #432hz

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Copyright ⓒ 2019 Calm Whale™. All Rights Reserved.
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Posted by Ovidija Jukoniene in Music on March 21 2021 at 06:47 PM  ·  Public

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